Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why has America not (yet) had victory in Afghanistan?

 Enemy blends in with society.
 Civilian suffering turns people against us.
 Irregular fighting style, out typical approach not as effective.
 Lack of leadership.
 Political division.
Struggles of America in Afghanistan and reasons Americans defeat England 1175-1783.
Centrality of Will- The want to win more then the other side. Never surrendering.

Treaty of Paris- Ended the Revolutionary War in 1783.

Articles of Confederation- These gave the states their own freedom, there was no central power. These gave them too much power and freedom and it didn't work. There was no communication, and no common goal. The Articles of Confederation also could not tax people, they would have to ask for money.

Separation of Powers:
Judicial Branch- Determines and interprets laws.
Executive Branch- Carries out and enforces laws.
Legislative Branch- Creates laws.
Bicameral- Two houses, two parties.

Division of Powers:
Federal vs. State.
Homework: book work.

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