Does a country create unity while maintaining liberty when there is Diversity?
Students in class today had the task of deciding how much power (dirt) their state should have. Then they had to figure out how to effectively carry the cups up stairs, but only one person could carry them. The first set up was each cup on top of each other, it was effective, but the states on the bottom, like Delaware could feel the pressure of all the states above them and not be as free as Virginia. Then it was figured out, the dirt was poured out onto a plate and then the cups were in the middle of the dirt, which basically means that if no state has power, they all have power. The states are now surrounded by power.
The Great Compromise. Click this link.
Amount of voters in states:
(Minus slaves)
(5) CT: 235000
(1)DE: 50000
(3)GA: 53000
(6)MD: 21700
(8)MA: 378500
(3)NH: 141700
(4)NJ: 173000
(6)NY: 31900
(5)NC: 29400
(8)PA: 43000
(1)RI: 68000
(5)SC: 143000
(10)VA: 45000
(Purple means the amount of votes each state gets in House of Representatives)
3/5ths Compromise. Click this link.
Sectionalism- When a state only cares about its own section, not the country in a whole.
Next week is quarter exam and review.
Homework: read two federalist papers.
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