Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18th, 2010

What do you know about The Constitution?

The Articles of Confederation
  It lacked taxing authority. They had to ask for funds.
  There were no Uniform Tariffs.
  Unpaid war debts created economic problems
  "One state, One Vote" system did not strike a balance between large and small states.
Tariff- Tax on imports

  Anonymous writers and famous revolutionary figures came out publicly against the Constitution.
  Thought strong national government threat to the right of individuals and that the President would become a king.
  Feared that a Federalist system would inevitably lead to the same sort of corrupt system that the colonists had been with the British.
  Feared the rise of tyranny and the loss of state autonomy.

Anti-Federalists Papers- They wrote persuasive essays under the pen-name Brutus.
        *These were written by  Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, George Mason and Richard Henry Lee.
Federalists  Papers- They wrote persuasive essays under the pen-name Publius
        *These were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay.
Click the links above to read more about them.


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