Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27th, 2010

Types of taxes:                            
Income- Controlled by Federal Government.
Property- Property taxes are paid to the town.               
Fees and Fines- Paid to the state.
Sales- Also decided by State.

Levels of Government:
Federal- Creates programs, controls and pays the military as well as administration.
State- Also creates programs and infrastructure(highways, etc.) 
Municipal- Also helps with infrastructure and services(firemen, police)

Students who are interested in knowing which states are the "wealthiest".

Social Contract Theory: The agreement to give up your rights to maintain order.

Still don't understand Locke, Hobbes and Rousseau still?
Here is something that should help you:

Homework: Chapter 4 sections one and two in the book.
Notes encouraged.
Due next class.

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