Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 21st, 2010

Security or Liberty?
Would you give up your liberty to be safe?
Students talked about liberty vs. Security today.
They were faced with the question: what is important to you? Liberty or security?

Terms to know:
Social Contract Theory- The agreement to give up your rights for the safety of the people. 
Locke: John Locke had a rather optimistic view on humans. He saw that they had a cooperative, good and tolerant state of nature. He believed that property was supposed to be protected and was very important. 
Hobbes: Thomas Hobbes believed that humans were mean, brutish, short and power hungry. He felt that government was needed to keep people in line.
Rousseau: Jean Jacques Rousseau believed that humans were good and society made them corrupt. He felt that government was temporary.
Sovereign: High power.

Want more info on Locke, Rousseau or Hobbes? Here are some links to some websites:
http://www.iep.utm.edu/hobmoral --->Thomas Hobbes
http://www.thomas-hobbes.com --->Thomas Hobbes
http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96jun/rousseau.html --->Rousseau
http://www.iep.utm.edu/locke --->John Locke.

Students who did not present their project last class must present to Mr. Long immediately.
There is an optional essay due next class: What are the Original "American Values?"
Use Primary Sources!
There is no other homework.

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