Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6th, 2011

For homework you should have read Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address.
In his speech he spoke like a preacher, saying that the civil war was like karma, this is what had been given to us almost revenge for the years of slavery.
After the Civil War, he wanted to bring the nation together.
He was favorable even for the South.
Then he gets shot.

Black codes were issues in the South to segregate society.
Slavery is now illegal, but Black Codes are instated.
Reconstruction Act of 1867- Strict reentry as a state.
Johnson vetoed it, but Congress overrides it.

15th amendment
-Race can not be kept from voting.
African American vote important to Republican success.

-White supremacist organization meant to stop the progress of non-whites by any means.

Amnesty Act 1872
-Political rights returned to "old south".

Panic of 1873, many banks close and a 5 year depression begins.
"Old South" regains political control and its called redemption.

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