Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8th, 2010

What is the natural condition of man?
Freedom of individuals?
controlling the weak?

Compromise of 1820:
- Maine and Missouri become states at the same time to keep the number of slave and free states even in the senate.
- Establishes 36 30 line defining future states as slave or free states.

- Theory that a state has the right to nullify, or cancel, any federal law which that - state has deemed unconstitutional.
- The source of authority is the state.

Compromise of 1833:
- Gradually reduced the Tariff of Abominations.

Gag Rule:
- Pro-slavery prevented any discussion of slavery in Congress 1831-1844.

Great Compromise of 1850:
- Fugitive slave laws.
- California is a free state.

Fugitive slave law:
- Conflict over recapture of escaped slaves.
- Officials now had a duty to arrest anyone suspected of being a runaway slave.
- The suspected slave had no trial, could not testify.

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