Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30th, 2010

Expansion and its connect to the Civil War
Growth upsets the balance...

Constitutional Uncertainty-
  *Limits of Federal Powers was uncertain.
Expansion, Politics and Economics-
  *Already major issue in the 1820s.
  *Very top-down
Social reform movements-
  *Grass roots movement that influences government.
  *As a movement really gains in the 1840s.

Nationalism (1810-1820's)
  *National interests and national unity placed ahead of regional concerns.
Supreme Court decisions strengthen Federal Government.
American System Economic Plan-
  *Tax imports, use money to build transportation routes.
There was a balance of power.

  *Placing regional interests ahead of national interests.
-Especially North vs. South.
-Economic interests play a key role.

Government taxed manufactured goods.
Used money to build roads in the north.

Tariff of Abominations-
Huge Tax on manufactured goods (1828)

Friday, November 19, 2010

November 19th, 2010

Notes taken this class:

  National interests and national unity placed ahead of regional concerns.
-American System Economic Plan:
  Tax imports, use money to build transportation routes.
-Monroe Doctrine:
  US demands Europe stays away from Western Hemisphere.

  Placing regional interests ahead of national interests.
-Especially North vs. South.
-Economic interests play a key role.

Mr. Long will go more in depth about sectionalism after Thanksgiving.
Quiz on Tuesday! Be prepared.

Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15th, 2010

Students presented the remaining projects.
The rest of the presentations are due today.
There is a quiz on Friday based on the information in the presentations.

Northwest Indian Territory:
-Tension between British Canada and USA.
  -Trade restrictions with France.
  -British supporting N.A. in North West.
  -Impressment of US sailors.
-Organized effort to hold back US.
Black Hawk War:
  -Re-invades Illinois.
  -Ended by 1832.

Southern Indian Wars:
-US Government moves South against the Creek and then Seminole in Florida.
-Andrew Jackson famous for these wars.
-Jackson fights Seminoles in Florida, though he was not allowed to.
-Spain forced to give up Florida.
-US victory, Seminoles accept reservation by 1824.
-Jackson becomes president and in 1830 tries to move all Native Americans to west Mississippi.
-Seminoles resist, 3rd longest war in US history in Defense in Florida.

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8th, 2010

Students had projects to do.
They chose from these topics:
Indian Removal Act.
Texas Revolution.
Black Hawk War.
The Oregon Trail.
Seminole Wars.
The California Gold Rush.
War of 1812.
Mexican-American War.
Louis and Clark Expedition.

Projects are due next class.
There will be no time given during next class to work on them.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2nd, 2010

Mr. Long had a substitute today.
So the students had to fill out a paper:
Do you believe in fate or Destiny? 
If there are no jobs here after graduation, what will you do?
What do you know about Native Americans?

Then they had to write about what they of Manifest Destiny.
American Progress by John Gast.
What does this painting mean to you?